Who the churches serve

Estimating the number of people served by the churches in Aylesbury involves considering both the membership and the broader community engagement of each church.

Large Churches

  • St. Mary’s Church: As the main Anglican parish church, it likely serves several thousand people through its regular services, community events, and outreach programs.
  • Aylesbury Methodist Church: With a prominent location and active community involvement, it might serve around 500-1,000 people.
  • St. Joseph’s Catholic Church: Typically, Catholic churches have significant memberships. St. Joseph’s could serve approximately 1,000-1,500 people, including its broader community activities.

Medium-Sized Churches

  • Holy Trinity Church: Likely serves around 300-500 people.
  • Aylesbury Salvation Army: Known for its extensive community services, it may serve around 500-1,000 people, including those benefiting from its social programs.
  • Aylesbury Vineyard Church: With its modern, informal approach and community programs, it might serve around 500-800 people.
  • Aylesbury Seventh-day Adventist Church: Typically has a smaller, yet active congregation, potentially serving 200-300 people.
  • Southcourt Baptist Church: Likely serves around 300-500 people.

Smaller Churches

  • St. Peter’s Church, Quarrendon: Could serve around 200-300 people.
  • Broughton Church: Potentially serves 100-200 people.
  • St. Michael and All Angels: Might serve 200-300 people.
  • Elim Pentecostal Church: Likely serves around 100-200 people.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS): Typically has an active congregation, possibly serving 200-300 people.

Special Groups

Quaker Meeting House: Quaker meetings usually attract smaller groups, possibly serving around 50-100 people.

Aggregate Estimate

Given the above rough estimates, the churches in Aylesbury collectively serve a substantial portion of the town’s population. Aylesbury’s population is approximately 60,000 people. If we conservatively estimate that each church’s direct and indirect engagement overlaps significantly, it’s plausible that around 15,000-20,000 people in Aylesbury might be served by these churches in some capacity, whether through regular attendance, community services, or occasional participation in events and programs.

This number includes both active members and those who benefit from various outreach and community services provided by the churches, reflecting their broader social and cultural impact on the town.